Jean Larson, ENL, Ms.Ed.  provides instructional support to schools in the SD Statewide Title III/Migrant Consortia.  She is an experienced educator and counselor who discovered a passion for assisting English Learners during her employment at the Huron School District.   Jean channeled this passion for struggling English Learners into her work with Consortium schools by providing expert and patience guidance as they development supportive and effective English Language Development programs.  As part of this journey, she has developed a strong sense of commitment and expertise in two areas:  assisting educators to determine the difference between a language barrier and learning disability with struggling English Learners, and assisting schools to develop an equitable system of evaluating and grading English Learners.  Through her employment with SD Statewide Title III/Migrant Consortia, Jean has developed a strong sense of commitment to the teachers and schools she serves.  It is her goal to continue to guide schools as they strive to provide the best possible educational experience to each English Learner in their care.