SLIFE Resources

SLIFE Resources: WIDA FOCUS Brief: building background SLIFE Native Language Screener Assessments Math Literacy Lesson Planning with SLIFE students in mind Planning Checklist Webcast: Bridging Where They Are and What They Need   Video: Understanding Trauma: Learning Brain vs Survival Brain  


WIDA Resources: WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition WIDA ELD Standards Training Can Do Descriptors Can Do Descriptors Name Charts, Grades K-12 (PDF) Can Do Descriptors Name Charts, Kindergarten Can Do Descriptors Name Charts, Grade 1 Can Do Descriptors Name Charts, Grades 2-3 Can Do Descriptors Name Charts, Grades 4-5 Can Do Descriptors Name Charts, Grades 6-8 Can Do…

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs – Statewide Title III Consortium 2018-19 What’s the goal of this? Why are you here at my school? We are here at your school because you have enrolled ELs in your district.  Your district has signed up to join the State-Wide Title III Consortium, free of charge, in order to receive support in creating programs…


Language Acquisition Plan Workshop + ELD Teaching Resources

LAP Basics Notes Handout LAP template from SD DOE WIDA ACCESS Student Report SAMPLE Program Models from SD DOE EL Program Placement Considerations Sample Parent Notification Letter Go To Strategies pdf Monitoring-form-sample 2018 Revised (May 2020) EL Multi-Student Monitoring Template (South Dakota)           Walkthrough VIDEO of the REVISED EL Multi-Student Monitoring Template…

Links This free, non-profit organization has created lessons for various content areas and grade levels that include supports for English Learners, and includes Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. For ELs, there are Levels of Support that include suggestions for providing differentiated instruction for students at varying stages of language proficiency. Use in both content…